Blocked accounts are designed specifically for international students and job seekers travelling to Germany. RemitX Blocked account has been approved by the German Foreign Office of The Republic of Germany. A Blocked Account is a special form of bank account, which is used by students and job seekers to demonstrate proof of sufficient financial means to afford their stay in Germany.
Student visa applications require proof of sufficient funds to cover living expenses in Germany. It is possible to fulfil this requirement by opening a Blocked Account, also known as Sperrkonto. Capital India Finance Limited- RemitX has been authorized by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs to open a "RemitX Blocked Account" for Indian students. With REMITX, students can open their accounts online and quickly from India.
In collaboration with Eric Neuendorff Law Firm, RemitX provides students from across the globe with a digital platform for opening and managing Sperrkontos (Blocked Accounts) in Germany. It is convenient for students to pay the blocked amount directly to RemitX in Indian rupees. In Germany, the RemitX Blocked Account will be operated by Commerzbank AG in Euro currency. To ensure financial stability, the money deposited in this account cannot be withdrawn until the arrival in Germany. Upon arrival in Germany, the student can activate their Blocked Account to receive monthly withdrawals directly into their local savings bank account which can be Commerzbank or any other savings bank account in Germany.